MBSID Chapters 6-7

  1. 2. Sam was hungry when all he had to eat was this cracker-like biscuit and water. page 87
  2. 3. Betsy thinks Tim wrote the letter to his _______________. page 79
  3. 4. Mr. Heron wants to help Tim learn this trade of measuring the land. page 75
  4. 6. What did the cattle thieves hit Life in the head with? page 96
  5. 8. "If this message is received, we will know the messenger is _______________." page 84
  6. 10. How many hours does Mr. Heron want Tim to walk to and from Fairfied? page 77
  7. 11. This was a nickname for the cattle thieves. page 93
  1. 1. Tim whistled this song as he walked to Mr. Heron's house. page 77
  2. 5. This is where Life went to sell cattle every year, ______________ Point. page 89
  3. 7. The Meeker's _______ would end up in the Lobsterbacks stomachs. page 94
  4. 9. Tim knew that he was sinning when he was doing this. Page 76