Charge Off

  1. 1. Customer makes full payment of account balance.
  2. 3. This is an attempt to collect a debt by a debt collector.
  3. 5. A demonstration of doubt in balance owed.
  4. 6. Accounts are placed on this list when an attorney is handling the account.
  5. 9. You speak with the ______ when the owner of the account answers the phone.
  6. 11. Say this disclosure on all calls when processing a payment over the phone.
  7. 12. A type of fraud.
  1. 1. A federal court process designed to help consumers and businesses eliminate debt or repay conditionally.
  2. 2. Statute of Limitations disclosure must be read when collecting on accounts in New Mexico, New York and?
  3. 4. The Statute of ______ is a legally prescribed time in which a lawsuit must be filed.
  4. 7. Accounts go in this status when there is no payment over an extended period.
  5. 8. a legal professional who has graduated from law school, passed the bar exam, and is licensed to practice law in a state or federal jurisdiction.
  6. 9. A deliberate deception to secure unfair or unlawful gain.
  7. 10. Where consumer works.