Charities for Refugees

  1. 4. Who spread awareness about Amnesty International?
  2. 5. An event when the American Red Cross took care of soldiers.
  3. 6. Were there positive or negative results from both organizations?
  4. 7. The Amnesty International also helped another country _____.
  5. 8. How could people help out these organizations?
  6. 9. The place where the American Red Cross was founded.
  1. 1. The Amnesty International and American Red Cross associations were _________ for refugees.
  2. 2. Goal was to make sure that refugees were not being tortured(creator of Amnesty International).
  3. 3. The American Red Cross provided ________, money and trained personnel to help in easing the effects of disasters around the world.
  4. 4. Created the American Red Cross