Charlie's Oxford Words

  1. 4. They really loved each _____.
  2. 5. I ______ out to him.
  3. 6. She wanted to buy a book ___.
  4. 8. Haven't you ____? School is closed for the term!
  5. 11. He gazed out the window, lost in _______.
  1. 1. He _____ want to eat his broccoli.
  2. 2. Charlie couldn't wait _____ school went back
  3. 3. Hey you! Come back ____!
  4. 5. No matter how hard he tried he just ______ jump that high.
  5. 7. The little boy had everything he ever ______.
  6. 9. It's good to ___ your times tables.
  7. 10. ____ go to the shops and get an ice-cream.