Charlotte Doyle

  1. 6. Vocabulary - The cracker-like food the crew ate; nicknamed sailor's bread
  2. 8. Vocabulary - Specific name of the dagger/knife Charlotte received
  3. 10. Events - The type of destructive storm the Seahawk went though
  4. 12. Events - Role Charlotte takes after the captain fell into the sea
  5. 13. Vocabulary - The quarters in which the crew lived
  6. 15. Characters - Last name of the first mate
  7. 16. Vocabulary - The type of the ship in the story
  8. 17. Characters - Last name of the captain of the ship
  9. 19. Setting - The city to which Charlotte was traveling to in Rhode Island
  1. 1. Setting - Name of the ship
  2. 2. Characters - Name of the black man who gave Charlotte the knife
  3. 3. Characters - Last name of Charlotte's father's business associate, who brought her to the docks.
  4. 4. Setting - Name of the ocean the ship crossed
  5. 5. Setting - Name of the English city in which the first chapter took place in
  6. 7. Characters - Last name of the owner of the chest that contained the pistol
  7. 9. Characters - Last name of the stowaway
  8. 11. Characters - Last name of the second mate
  9. 14. Vocabulary - A British currency used in the time period of the story
  10. 18. Events - What Charlotte had to climb to prove that was able to join the crew (2 words)