Chat Chatters

  1. 2. This type of reservation cannot be made via chat.
  2. 3. We use this source for all forms of communication with our team members and other supervisors.
  3. 5. This is where we take chats and enter cases for owners.
  4. 10. This balanced score gives you an increase on your paychecks.
  5. 11. This library provides verbiage to answer basic owner questions quickly and efficiently.
  6. 13. Expressing empathy and building this can help with First Chat Resolution and higher Medallia scores.
  7. 14. You will submit this type of case to Financial Services if an owner needs a copy of their OBA.
  1. 1. This is our direct supervisor we go to for assistance or putting in requests for VTO and time off.
  2. 3. This is the maximum number of chats we can have at once.
  3. 4. This resource provides toolboxes, info series, and resort information to better assist owners.
  4. 6. Since we cannot offer PPP, this makes up 30% of our Acuity.
  5. 7. This promotion allows owners to get amazing discounts on trips to select resorts.
  6. 8. Where we clock in and out, and we can also view our paystubs.
  7. 9. One thing we cannot take over chat due to security purposes.
  8. 12. This type of case is submitted when giving an owner an exception.