Checking your vocabulary!

  1. 4. Fifth month of the year
  2. 5. opposite of short
  3. 9. Seven days
  4. 11. A person from United Kingdom
  5. 13. A person from Peru
  6. 14. Sixty minutes
  7. 16. A person from Autralia
  8. 18. First month of the year
  9. 19. Sixty seconds
  10. 21. Second day of the week
  11. 23. Fourth month of the year
  12. 24. First day of the week
  13. 28. Ninth month of the year
  14. 30. Opposite of old
  15. 31. Seventh day of the week
  16. 32. A person from China
  17. 33. Opposite of fast
  18. 35. Opposite of quiet
  19. 36. 1,000
  20. 38. Opposite of fat
  21. 40. Eighth month of the year
  22. 41. A person from Germany
  23. 43. Ten years
  24. 44. Second month of the year
  25. 46. Eleventh month of the year
  26. 48. Sixth month of the year
  27. 50. Number 16
  28. 54. Fifth day of the week
  29. 56. A hundred years
  30. 57. Opposite of poor
  31. 58. Number 70
  32. 59. Opposite of expensive
  33. 60. Opposite of open
  34. 61. Number 11
  1. 1. Seventh month of the year
  2. 2. Third month of the year
  3. 3. Twelve months
  4. 5. Number 20
  5. 6. A person from Japan
  6. 7. Fourth day of the week
  7. 8. A person from Canada
  8. 10. Opposite of hot
  9. 11. A person from Brazil
  10. 12. Opposite of big
  11. 15. Opposite of easy
  12. 17. Sixth day of the week
  13. 20. Number 30
  14. 22. 1,000,000
  15. 25. Opposite of new
  16. 26. Third day of the week
  17. 27. Opposite of weak
  18. 29. A person from Egypt
  19. 34. Tenth month of the year
  20. 37. A person from India
  21. 39. Opposite of light
  22. 42. Last month of the year
  23. 45. A person from the United States
  24. 47. A person from Russia
  25. 49. Opposite of beautiful
  26. 51. A person from Turkey
  27. 52. Opposite of woman
  28. 53. 100
  29. 55. A person from France