Cheers to 21 Years!

  1. 6. What Abby used to have on her bedroom wall
  2. 7. Abby's favorite fruit
  3. 8. Loves getting these done
  4. 12. What Abby says when her back hurts
  5. 13. Abby's favorite place to shop
  6. 14. TV show Abby watches
  7. 15. Abby's favorite music genre
  8. 16. Color of Abby's bedroom rug
  9. 17. Abby's least favorite chore
  1. 1. Abby's nickname for Dad
  2. 2. Abby grows this vegetable
  3. 3. Recent concert Abby attended
  4. 4. Abby's favorite drink
  5. 5. Abby's nickname for Mom
  6. 6. School Abby attends
  7. 9. Abby's nickname for Daniel
  8. 10. Abby's favorite holiday
  9. 11. Abby works here