Chelsea's Books

  1. 2. Put things on it
  2. 3. Place to learn
  3. 5. Have fun
  4. 8. A song from an old movie
  5. 10. You understand it
  6. 11. People play music
  7. 13. Fix a mistake
  8. 14. Made out of paper
  9. 17. Things to read with
  10. 18. Things to read
  11. 20. Put things in it
  1. 1. This is a crossword ____
  2. 2. Search for words
  3. 4. People play music
  4. 6. Remember the page you're on
  5. 7. You write the answers
  6. 9. Use to write
  7. 12. Search ____
  8. 15. Spiral bound paper
  9. 16. Room full of books
  10. 19. Eat yummy things