Chem Crossword 1/24

  1. 4. the attraction the nucleus exerted on an electron; the effective form of this measures "true" attraction
  2. 8. ions with a central metal ion bonded to other ions or molecules
  3. 9. elements found in group 18 that are typically nonreactive
  4. 10. phenomenon in which inner electrons block the attraction between outer or valence electrons and the nucleus
  5. 13. elements occupying the center of periodic table
  6. 17. molecules that bind to a central metal atom in a coordinate complex
  7. 20. aka. actinides; occupy the bottom of the periodic table and have a 5f subshell
  8. 21. magnetism caused by an external applied magnetic field causing atoms to align with said magnetic field
  1. 1. columns of the periodic table, numbered 1-18
  2. 2. group 1 of the periodic table; these elements are highly reactive
  3. 3. the phenomenon of elements behaving similar in groups along the periodic table
  4. 5. catalyst in a different phase of matter than the reactants and products
  5. 6. number of atoms a central atom holds in a compound
  6. 7. rows of the periodic table, currently numbered 1-7
  7. 11. visual representation of the elements orderd by atomic number; shows trends in atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, etc.
  8. 12. ligands that form two or more separate coordinate bonds with a central metal atom
  9. 14. aka. lanthanides; occupy the bottom of the periodic table and have a 4f subshell
  10. 15. phenomenon in which uncharged materials exhibit a magnetic field
  11. 16. elements lacking 1 electron to form octet valence shell
  12. 18. magnetism caused by an applied magnetic field that goes in reverse of the one applied; has a small magnetic moment
  13. 19. catalyst in the same phase of matter as the reactants and products