Chem Exam 5

  1. 4. liquid mixing w/ another without seperating
  2. 5. Bonding polar molecules, hydrogen bond to F,O,N
  3. 9. Solids low melting point, intermolecular forces
  4. 10. Molecules permanent dipoles, neighboring molecules raise melting & boiling points to nonpolar
  5. 13. measure of thermal energy
  6. 15. Point liquid to solid, exohermic
  7. 17. Point solid to liquid, endothermic
  8. 19. thermal energy, indefinite shape & volume
  1. 1. forms dipoles
  2. 2. Solid ordered structure, repeating order
  3. 3. all polar molecules
  4. 6. flows slower, resistance to liquid flow
  5. 7. energy released, exit
  6. 8. Solid No order
  7. 11. Force London Forces, instantaneous dipoles
  8. 12. unit of energy, transfer/exchange of temp difference
  9. 14. enerygy absorbed
  10. 16. Capacity quantity of heat in Joules
  11. 18. Solids high melting point, neutral collection of cation & anions