
  1. 3. An element that cant touch found in the nucleus.(2pts)
  2. 5. Vertical columns of the periodic table.(2pts)
  3. 6. What is a trend? Think of something that happens again and again in an order.(2pts)
  4. 9. What are the horizontal rows on the periodic table are called?(2pts)
  5. 11. Creators name/Kyle.(2pts)
  6. 12. What type of elements tend to be on the left of a periodic table?(2pts)
  7. 13. Protons have a ______ charge.(2pts)
  8. 14. An element with a negative charge and is in every atom.(2pts)
  9. 17. What is the first element on the periodic table.(2pts)
  10. 18. An element with a positive charge moving around the nucleus.(2pts)
  1. 1. What are the elements in the middle of the periodic table called.(2pts)
  2. 2. What element do we breath in.(2pts)
  3. 4. The "brain" of a cell.(2pts)
  4. 7. What is a chemical called when it is not in a compound but by itself?(2pts)
  5. 8. What kind of frequency do gamma rays have? High or Low.(2pts)
  6. 10. What is waters chemical compound?(2pts)
  7. 15. Which element has the most ionization energy; Lithium or Carbon?(2pts)
  8. 16. What tends to be on the far left of the periodic table.(!HINT!There is a - in the word.)(2pts)