Chemical Thermodynamics - Aadi Patel

  1. 3. The reverse of any spontaneous process is always ___________.
  2. 4. The area of chemistry that deals with energy relations.
  3. 6. The law of thermodynamics that states the entropy of the universe increases for any spontaneous process.
  4. 7. A process that leaves the surroundings somehow changed when the system is restored to its original state.
  5. 8. A process that occurs on its own without any outside assistance.
  6. 10. Entropy __________ with the number of microstates of the system.
  7. 11. The law of thermodynamics that states the entropy of a pure, perfect crystalline substance at absolute zero is zero.
  8. 14. A motion in which the molecule spins about an axis.
  9. 15. A single possible arrangement of the positions and kinetic energies of the molecules when the molecules are in a specific thermodynamic state.
  10. 16. A measure of the tendency for energy to spread or disperse, thereby reducing its ability to accomplish work.
  11. 17. The expansion of an ideal gas at constant temperature.
  1. 1. A motion where an entire molecule can move in one direction.
  2. 2. Molar entropies for substances in their standard states.
  3. 5. The law of thermodynamics that states energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only altered in form.
  4. 9. Uses the tools of statistics and probability to link the microscopic and macroscopic worlds.
  5. 12. The entropy of a system __________ with increasing temperature.
  6. 13. A motion in which the atoms in the molecule move periodically toward and away from one another.
  7. 14. A process in which we can restore the system to its original condition with no change to the surroundings.