  1. 2. change from a liquid to a gaseous state
  2. 6. a change in their properties
  3. 10. dispersed in a liquid without chemical
  4. 11. Living
  5. 13. change from the liquid to the solid
  6. 15. the study of living organisms
  7. 16. separate a substance in solid form
  1. 1. the spreading of something more widely
  2. 3. an accepted way of making things
  3. 4. a combination or blend of elements.
  4. 5. change in size or shape
  5. 7. to become liquid; dissolve
  6. 8. the earth's history study
  7. 9. studies celestial objects
  8. 12. scientific study of behaviors of matter
  9. 14. Nonliving