
  1. 4. A attraction between atoms that forms chemical substances
  2. 5. A metallic mixture of two or more elements
  3. 8. When an electron is traded between atoms in order to have full outer shells
  4. 12. A particle in the nucleolus of an atom that has no electric charge
  5. 13. A process where a set of substances undergo a chemical change the form a different substance
  6. 16. Organic molecules which make up long chains of components such as DNA and RNA
  7. 21. The study of compounds that contain the element carbon
  8. 22. A family of elements that makes up column 18 of the periodic table. They are very stable due to the full outer electron shells
  9. 26. It occurs between atoms that share a pair of electrons in order to gain full outer shells.
  10. 27. Organic molecule consisting only of carbon hydrogen and oxygen, and including starches and sugars and play an important role in our daily lives
  11. 28. Any solution where water is the solvent
  12. 29. The process that occurs when two or more chemical substances are combined to form another chemical substance
  13. 32. The ability of a material to be stretched into along wire
  14. 33. The central core of an atom containing the protons and neutrons
  15. 34. An electron in an atom that can participate in a chemical bond
  16. 35. A process used to drive a chemical reaction by using an electrical current. It is often used to separate elements.
  17. 40. The process of separating mixtures by boiling a liquid and then recovering the cooled gas
  18. 41. The name of the process when oxygen combines with another element to form a compound
  19. 42. A basic unit of matter and the smallest unit of an element. It consist of a nucleus which is surrounded by a cloud of electrons
  20. 45. A pure chemical substance that is made up of one type of atom. Each atom in an element is defined by an atomic number which is the number of protons in the nucleus
  21. 47. A substance is said to be malleable if it can be pounded into a thin sheet
  1. 1. A piece of chemistry lab equipment that produces a flame used for lab experiments
  2. 2. A substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction. It is not consumed in the reaction
  3. 3. A homogeneous mixture where one substance called the solute is fully dissolved into another substance called the solvent. For example, it is formed when salt dissolves into water to make the solution salt water
  4. 6. The study of chemical processes as they relate to living organisms
  5. 7. Organic molecules made up of long chains of amino acids, playing an important role in nearly every process that takes place in cells
  6. 9. The mass per unit volume of a substance
  7. 10. It measures the activity of the hydrogen ion in substances. If a substance has a pH less than 7 it is said to be acidic. If its pH is greater than 7 then it is said to be basic or alkaline
  8. 11. A table of the chemical elements arranged by atomic number
  9. 14. The elements in the second column of the periodic table
  10. 15. A compound with a pH of less than 7 that forms hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. They react when coming into contact with bases and some metals to forms salts
  11. 17. A substance with a pH higher than 7. They are defined as donating a pair of valance electrons
  12. 18. A material that allows the flow of energy such as heat or electricity
  13. 19. A particle of an atom that orbits the atom’s nucleus and carries a negative charge
  14. 20. A method by which carbon is constantly move throughout the biosphere
  15. 23. A particle within the nucleus of an atom that holds a positive charge.
  16. 24. A substance that is a good conductor of heat and electricity. They are generally malleable, ductile, and shiny
  17. 25. Atoms from the same element that have different numbers of neutrons
  18. 30. An atom or molecule which has a positive or negative charge because the number of electrons does not equal the number of protons
  19. 31. The elements in the first column in the periodic table with the exception of the hydrogen
  20. 36. Chemical compounds that are formed by the reaction of an acid and a base
  21. 37. Organic molecules including fats and waxes; they are used for long terms storage of energy in life forms
  22. 38. A combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined
  23. 39. Different forms in which the same element can exist. For example, the element carbon can take the form of the allotrope graphite or the allotrope diamond
  24. 43. A pure substance made up of two or more elements
  25. 44. It is formed when two or more atoms are joined together by a chemical bond
  26. 46. The central element to all living organisms