
  1. 2. a five carbon sugar moeity
  2. 7. one of the radioisotope of this element finds wide use in treatment of cancer
  3. 8. a class of natural products often used for treatment
  4. 9. a natural source of metals
  5. 10. a collective name for particles located in the centre of an atom
  6. 12. one of the rich source for aluminium
  7. 14. The process or system of naming chemicals as per set of rules laid down by IUPAC
  8. 18. shift a value used in elucidation of structure of proton distribution by NMR
  9. 19. Substances that are known to cause cancer
  10. 21. a substance that is know to enhances the rate of a chemical reaction
  11. 23. A class of organic compounds containing only two elements often used as fuel
  12. 25. unstable atoms that emit particles to gain stability are often referred as thus
  13. 27. A compound with same molecular formula but different structural formula
  14. 29. electrode where oxidation is the primary process
  15. 31. an alloy containing copper
  16. 34. process dependent upon genetic code to get proteins
  17. 35. one of the most widely used PET radiopharmaceutical
  18. 37. a positively charged ion
  19. 38. the simplest alkane
  20. 40. a sulphur containing amino acid
  21. 41. 0ne of the three scientists who got Nobel for their path-breaking work in 1968
  22. 43. something ones uses while washing clothes
  23. 44. Gallium 67 emits this particle
  24. 46. helix A model for DNA that won Watson and Crick a Nobel prize
  25. 47. the nature of substances when their pH is above 7
  26. 48. polymers of amino acids
  27. 49. the substances that regulate the growth and metabolic processes in human body insulin is an example
  28. 50. related to dental terminology but in chemistry is a measure of concentration
  29. 51. plastics are one of this class as is cellulose
  1. 1. Base,sugar,phosphate strung together for components of DNA and or RNA
  2. 2. the first quantum number designated as n
  3. 3. the term used for determination of Acid or base concentration by adding the other in multiple small volumes for neutralization
  4. 4. an Ore is often subjected to a set pf processes to get a metal
  5. 5. an allotropic form of carbon is priced heavily
  6. 6. dating An Isotope based method to identify age of say trees
  7. 11. bonds that are not following octet rules both ways
  8. 13. a class of organic compounds that produce primary carboxylic acids upon oxidation
  9. 15. an ion or molecule that helps form co-ordination complexes
  10. 16. a rich source of lead
  11. 17. The periodic table in its present form is atrributed to him
  12. 20. Law defines how the volume of a gas changes with respect to temperature
  13. 22. transition metal complexes with unpaired electrons in their valence shell may behave thus
  14. 24. a branch of spectroscopy that revolutionised organic structure determination
  15. 26. proteins and peptides that catalyse biochemical reactions
  16. 27. an element that finds much significance in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders
  17. 28. unit(s) that is repeated in the formation of natural or synthetic polymers
  18. 30. the sugar moiety in basic DNA components
  19. 32. ethanol is often referred as thus though it truly represent a class of organic compounds with hydroxy groups
  20. 33. a hexadentate ligand often used for determining the concentration of Metals known to bind with it..
  21. 36. Testosterone for one estradiol for another
  22. 39. a different number of these in atoms produce isotopes
  23. 40. a branch of material science that is offered as an engineering degree
  24. 42. a class of organic cyclic compounds known to have characteristic odour
  25. 45. the heaviest known isotope of Hydrogen