
  1. 2. H + 2)
  2. 4. you breathe it
  3. 5. you need it for your body
  4. 7. C + O2
  5. 8. amount of space an object occupies
  6. 12. takes the shape of its container and can be compressed
  7. 15. makes voice high
  8. 17. a colour and element
  9. 19. in toothpaste
  10. 20. Ag
  1. 1. in pools
  2. 3. is also a planet
  3. 6. gas that smells bad
  4. 9. takes the shape of its container, cant be compressed
  5. 10. group of atoms
  6. 11. join up to make molecule
  7. 13. a part of water
  8. 14. cant be compressed
  9. 16. frozen water
  10. 18. amount of matter