
  1. 2. A shiny, malleable material that conducts heat
  2. 4. An element that has gained electrons
  3. 7. A bond between non-metals that share electrons
  4. 9. Delocalised electrons form an __________
  5. 11. Rows in the periodic table
  6. 13. A particle without a charge
  7. 14. The centre of an atom with most of the mass
  8. 15. A bond where electrons are transferred
  9. 16. The bond where electrons make an electron sea
  1. 1. An organised chart of all the elements
  2. 3. Electrons in the outer shell of an atom
  3. 5. Columns in the periodic table
  4. 6. The largest family of the periodic table
  5. 8. An element with a positive charge
  6. 10. A negatively charged particle
  7. 11. A positively charged particle
  8. 12. It increases as you move down a group
  9. 13. Elements on the right of the periodic table