
  1. 3. we breathe it
  2. 5. table salt is ____
  3. 6. a lot of people drink it in the morning
  4. 7. the last of the unkown properties
  5. 12. Also known as ocean water
  6. 14. you use it when brushing your teeth
  7. 16. used to make a cellophane
  8. 18. you use it to remove your nail polish
  9. 21. ____ is H2O
  10. 24. in honor of Alfred Noble
  11. 25. a mix of colored dyes
  12. 26. used as a prepllant in guns
  13. 27. Some people put this in their tea
  14. 28. the first of the actinides
  1. 1. the lightest element
  2. 2. Soluable in water and used when
  3. 4. oil of vitirol
  4. 8. you use it to clean yourself
  5. 9. number 10 on the periodic table
  6. 10. where superman is from
  7. 11. Acid chemical coumpound of C2H4O2
  8. 13. Lemon Juice and ____
  9. 15. disolves grease and oil
  10. 16. has an atmoic mass of 285
  11. 17. Cereal and ____
  12. 19. People put this in their water to keep it cool
  13. 20. is in our veins
  14. 22. chemical coumpound of C2H6O
  15. 23. a major player in the creation of Dna
  16. 25. ____man