
  1. 3. a measure of matter
  2. 6. high energy wave that has high penetrability
  3. 9. organizes elements according to atomic number
  4. 10. a measure of how much space a substance occupies
  5. 14. a mixture with visible parts
  6. 15. bond where electrons are shared
  7. 16. has a pH greater than 7
  8. 18. a counting number in chemistry
  9. 19. charged atom
  10. 21. particle formed when a neutron forms a proton
  11. 24. equal moles of H+ and OH-
  12. 25. insoluble product in a double replacement reaction
  13. 27. bond where electrons are transferred
  14. 30. sum of protons and neutrons
  15. 32. vertical column that corresponds to valence electrons
  16. 34. concentration unit
  17. 36. reduction/oxidation reaction
  18. 37. water is this shape
  19. 38. covalent bond where electrons are not shared equally
  20. 39. formula that shows the simplest ratio of atoms in a molecule
  21. 40. particle responsible for nuclear stability
  1. 1. fixed composition of elements
  2. 2. eye protection in the lab
  3. 4. reaction with one product
  4. 5. equal to the number of protons
  5. 7. shape of all two-atom molecules
  6. 8. positive charged particle found in nucleus
  7. 11. covalently bonded particle
  8. 12. ration of mass to volume
  9. 13. reaction where the products are CO2 and water
  10. 14. a mixture with that is uniformly mixed
  11. 17. negative charged particle involved in bonding
  12. 20. covalent bond electrons are shared equally
  13. 22. pure substance made up of one type of atom
  14. 23. five-atom shape
  15. 26. substance that conducts electricity when dissolved in water
  16. 27. gas law that converts volumes at non-STP to moles
  17. 28. a measure of average kinetic energy
  18. 29. building block of all matter
  19. 31. release H+ ions in solution
  20. 33. horizontal row that equals energy level of the valence
  21. 35. particle made up of two protons and two neutrons