
  1. 2. the Varible that you measure
  2. 5. The process of turning water and carbon dioxide to sugar.
  3. 6. The variable that you keep the same for a fair test results
  4. 10. What colour is it?
  5. 14. Does it allow electricity to flow through it?
  6. 16. Under 7pH
  7. 17. Iron rusting is a
  8. 18. is it shiny or dull?
  9. 19. The form that water takes as it evaporates up to the sky
  10. 20. Takes the shape of anything it is put in
  11. 22. There are 118 of them
  12. 23. Everything is made of this.
  13. 24. The Variable that you change
  14. 25. Mass per volume
  1. 1. Two elements put together
  2. 2. For its size, how heavy is it?
  3. 3. Crumpling paper is a
  4. 4. 1 Element alone
  5. 7. Is a fixed volume that using physical force can change shape
  6. 8. How close your results are to each other
  7. 9. Is it a solid liquid or gas at 20 degrees celsius
  8. 11. Dissolver
  9. 12. Smallest thing in the world
  10. 13. Made of silver and Copper
  11. 15. How close your results are to the truth
  12. 21. How strong an element is