Chemistry & Chemical Safety

  1. 6. Common table salt is an example of a ______________.
  2. 8. Term that refers to anything that occupies space; has physical and chemical properties; and exists in a solid, liquid, or gas form.
  3. 10. when salt is dissolved in water, the water is a ________.
  4. 11. two or more atoms are that are joined together chemically
  5. 13. A substance is ________ when a substance gains oxygen.
  6. 14. An oxidizing agent __________ oxygen.
  7. 16. Acids are often used to __________ the skin
  8. 17. immiscible liquids form _______ when they are combined.
  9. 19. when salt is dissolved in water, the salt is a ________.
  1. 1. A substance that causes cancer
  2. 2. a reducing agent adds __________ to a chemical compound
  3. 3. There are ___ elements that are known to science today.
  4. 4. the basic unit of matter that cannot be divided into simpler substances by ordinary chemical means
  5. 5. Everything you can touch and everything you can see is matter EXCEPT light and _______.
  6. 7. pH is an abbreviation of _____________.
  7. 9. substances that cannot be reduced to simpler substances
  8. 12. The number of naturally occurring elements on Earth.
  9. 15. The very first surfactants were _______.
  10. 18. solutions are considered _____ mixtures.