Chemistry Crossword

  1. 2. Hydrochloric Acid
  2. 4. What does the 8 for oxygen mean?
  3. 10. What type of waves are gamma rays?
  4. 12. Which has a higher frequency, red or purple light?
  1. 1. Which element has 20 protons and 20 neutrons?
  2. 3. What group does Neon and Radon fall under in the periodic table?
  3. 5. What group does Carbon, Sulfur, and Iodine fall under in the periodic table?
  4. 6. Magnesium Oxide
  5. 7. Sodium Chloride
  6. 8. Iron Sulfide
  7. 9. Calcium Chloride
  8. 11. Which has a lower frequency, red or blue light?