chemistry crossword

  1. 4. or burnt lime is made by thermal decomposition
  2. 6. ions or neutral molecules attached to a central atom
  3. 7. Fe+water+oxygen
  4. 9. bond-type of bond where one atom donates an electron
  5. 12. metals- dblock elements with at least one ion with partially filled dorbital
  1. 1. of ways how can phosphate ions get into sewage water,by....
  2. 2. lime- slightly soluble in water,its solution is called lime water
  3. 3. soda-it is used in baking powders
  4. 5. core-80% of elemental iron forms Earths......
  5. 8. bonds- interaction between water molecules
  6. 10. pure is lustrous,soft,reacts with nonmetal and acids
  7. 11. iron- iron made in the blast furnace