Chemistry crossword

  1. 2. This exists in one of three states of matter and undergo changes of state to change between them
  2. 4. These particles cannot change places as they are held together very tightly in a regular arrangement
  3. 6. These particles have a large amount of energy and move around quickly in all directions
  4. 8. Permanent
  5. 11. changes - irreversible
  6. 12. These can be used to separate items that are magnetic from non-magnetic items
  1. 1. This is a process that can separate a mixture by making it move through another substance like a paper strip.
  2. 3. These particles have more energy than in a solid and vibrate around and can change places with one another
  3. 5. Temporary
  4. 7. A barrier with holes
  5. 9. changes - reversible
  6. 10. Like a sieve with smaller holes