chemistry crossword

  1. 2. numerical value which describes the ability of a solvent to separate a compound into its constituent ions and keep them apart.
  2. 7. smallest cation in period 2
  3. 8. what is the force which keeps two ions together to form an ionic compound
  4. 10. an ___________ solution is a solution in which the solution is liquid.
  5. 11. what remains unchanged in descending down a group in the periodic table.
  6. 12. whose periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic number (no ['s] needed, just the name is good)
  1. 1. ___________ is the process when an atom or an ion gains electrons
  2. 3. the force of attraction between two or more bonds
  3. 4. if combining atoms have really similar electro negativity the bond between them is a __________ bond
  4. 5. nuclear charge and atomic size are ___________ related
  5. 6. they have strong electrostatic forces of attraction between the ions
  6. 9. which element has the largest atomic radius?