Chemistry Crossword

  1. 3. Substance a solid or liquid that contains 1 type of substance
  2. 4. a pure substance made of 2 or more types of atoms chemically bonded together
  3. 6. a substance that dissolves in a liquid
  4. 7. a substance that does not dissolve
  5. 9. a substant that dissolves
  6. 10. something made up of 2 or more substances mixed together
  7. 11. a liquid made up of solvent with a solute
  1. 1. a cloudy liquid containing insoluble partials
  2. 2. a lot of a solute is dissolved
  3. 4. the branch of science that studies the properties of matter and how matter interacts with energy
  4. 5. a liquid that is decreased in its strength
  5. 8. a substance that dissolves in other substance
  6. 10. something made up of 2 or more pure substances mixed together