Chemistry Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. What coats the telescope and allows it, Hubble 2.0, to detect galaxies and reflects infrared light?
  2. 6. what is the largest group on the periodic table?
  3. 8. Elements heavier than iron are believed to come from the collision of two _____ stars
  4. 9. What is made of pure carbon and is the strongest material ever found?
  5. 10. What metal was used to make stronger, more durable, stiffer weapons which greatly affected warfare?
  6. 12. What object is really flexible, changes shape when done, becomes solid, and has a lot of strength?
  7. 13. Iron is one of the strongest ______
  8. 14. What consists of atoms, nucleus, neutrons, protons, and electrons?
  9. 17. What is a huge problem that the world deals with, but the solution is to create steel from it?
  10. 18. What does the combination of iron and carbon make?
  11. 19. what is the soft, white/gray metal, that when mixed with steel it creates a stronger, lighter material?
  12. 20. Within the intense heat and pressure the elements begin to take shape. What is the process of the elements bonding together called?
  1. 1. What is gold resistant to?
  2. 2. What element has 13 electrons/protons, 14 neutrons, vastly light, and can be modified?
  3. 3. What is the explosion of the stars called?
  4. 5. What element is embedded in malachite, used to make tools, and has 29 neutrons/protons?
  5. 7. What element has 26 electron/protons, 30 neutrons, and needs extremely hot fire to separate from stone? What element has 26 electron/protons, 30 neutrons, and needs extremely hot fire to separate from stone?
  6. 11. What element does gold not bond with to prevent tarnishing/rusting?
  7. 15. The metals ended the stone age and began modern life. The metals are copper, bronze, iron and _____
  8. 16. Metals have the ability to conduct