chemistry crossword puzzle

  1. 4. a simplified representation of solids, liquids and gases
  2. 5. a change that does not result in a new substance being produced
  3. 7. clusters of atoms
  4. 10. when a metal reacts with the chemicals in its environment
  5. 12. the chemical reaction in plants that converts carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose using energy from the Sun
  6. 14. any chemical reaction where a substance burns in oxygen to produce light and heat
  7. 15. a change that results in a new substance being formed
  8. 18. able to be stretched to form a wire
  9. 19. substances made up of only one type of atom
  1. 1. a table that shows all the known elements
  2. 2. the substances formed in chemical reactions
  3. 3. the smallest building blocks of matter
  4. 6. a mixture in which one substance is dissolved in another
  5. 8. the characteristics of a substance
  6. 9. easily crumbled or shattered
  7. 11. a simple chemical equation where chemicals are represented by their names
  8. 13. a change of state from solid to gas
  9. 16. mixture of a metal with other metals or non-metals
  10. 17. able to be hammered or bent into new shapes