Chemistry Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. has the same proportions of its components throughout any given sample and is also referred to as solutions.
  2. 5. solid to gas.
  3. 6. chemical substance composed of many identical molecules composed of atoms.
  4. 8. solid to liquid.
  5. 9. Is expandable
  6. 10. a mixture is a material made up of two or more different substances.
  7. 12. Is not expandable
  8. 16. Is not expandable
  9. 17. separate mixture by passing it in solution or suspension or as a vapor through a medium.
  10. 19. a colorless, odorless reactive gas the chemical element of atomic number 8 and the life-supporting component of the air.
  11. 20. is any substance that has mass and takes up space.
  1. 1. is a technique used to separate out homogenous mixtures
  2. 2. gas to liquid
  3. 4. separate pure substances in mixtures comprised of particles.
  4. 7. is the process of separating components of mixtures by using magnets to attract magnetic materials.
  5. 11. Has a definite shape
  6. 13. sort solid particles with different physical properties (size, colours, textures and shapes)
  7. 14. is the physical combination of two or more substances.
  8. 15. a pure substance which cannot be broken down by chemical means.
  9. 18. liquid to gas.