Chemistry Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. lowest temperature that a liquid will ignite
  2. 6. acid
  3. 10. metals/the first group on the periodic table is the __________
  4. 11. found in pairs
  5. 12. reaction that occurs when two different atoms join together to make a --molecule
  6. 13. reaction when two different molecules switch atoms
  7. 14. + O2 → H2O + CO2
  8. 15. that have both a metal atom and a nonmetal atom
  9. 19. reaction in which molecules break down
  1. 1. atom that has either gained or lost an electron
  2. 2. ability for a material to be flattened or rolled
  3. 3. that change colour depending on if it is exposed to a acid or base
  4. 4. outermost shell in an atom
  5. 7. formed with no metals
  6. 8. ability to be dissolved into a liquid
  7. 9. order for neutralization to occur, a salt and ____ must be made in a reaction
  8. 16. gases/the most stable element group on the periodic table is the _______
  9. 17. bond/the bond formed when two atoms share electrons
  10. 18. ability for a material to be stretched