Chemistry crossword

  1. 2. compound that dissolves in water to form a solution with a pH lower than 7
  2. 3. system an experiment in which all reactants and all products of a chemical reaction are accounted for
  3. 5. chemical reaction that occurs when oxygen reacts with a substance to form a new substance and give off energy
  4. 6. slow chemical change that occurs when oxygen in the air reacts with a metal
  5. 7. genetically identical copy of an entire organism or of its cells or genes; cloning is the process of creating a clone
  6. 8. chemical combination of two or more elements in a specific ratio
  7. 10. substance that helps a chemical reaction proceed more quickly
  1. 1. breaker special wire that heats up and turns off switch when excess current flows through an electrical circuit
  2. 2. the smallest part of an element that is representative of that element a neutral particle made up of a nucleus containing protons and neutrons, and in which the number of electrons equals the number of protons alkali metals group 1 elements in the periodic table not including hydrogen; the most reactive of the metals
  3. 4. path that change particles flow through
  4. 6. reactions reaction that takes place when two or more substances react to form new substances
  5. 9. mass unit measure of atomic mass; 1 amu is equal to 1/12th the mass of a carbon 12 atom