Chemistry of Life

  1. 3. Which is less dense: solid or liquid water
  2. 8. Molecules that have an unequal distribution of charges are ______ molecules.
  3. 9. Substances that "hate" water
  4. 12. Molecules that have neither positive or negative poles are considered __________ molecules.
  5. 13. The 6 elements necessary for life are carbon, ________, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur
  6. 16. Koolaid powder is an example of this
  7. 17. Koolaid is an example of this
  8. 18. When Koolaid powder is mixed with water in order to make a beverage, water is the _______ in this solution
  9. 19. Water is considered this because it is very good at dissolving substances (two words)
  1. 1. Smallest part of an element
  2. 2. When water is soaked up by a paper towel, this is an example of ______________.
  3. 4. The bonds in adhesion are _______ than the bonds in cohesion
  4. 5. Type of bond shared between hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water
  5. 6. Molecule made of 2 atoms of hydrogen bonded to 1 atom of oxygen
  6. 7. Because water helps to regulate cell temperatures in organisms, it is said to have a ________ specific heat
  7. 10. Substances that "love" water
  8. 11. When water droplets stick to other water droplets, we call this ____________.
  9. 14. Most basic unit of life
  10. 15. Anything that has mass and takes up space