Chemistry PeTa 4

  1. 1. SI base units of luminous intensity
  2. 4. 10^9
  3. 8. a standard scientific unit for measuring large quantities of very small entities such as atoms, molecules, or other specified particles.
  4. 11. is the amount space occupied by an object.
  5. 13. is the atomic mass of the element or the sum of atomic masses of that element.
  6. 15. 10^-18
  7. 16. is a useful way to characterize a substance from one another.
  8. 17. SI base units of mass
  9. 18. collection of functionally unrelated units which are composed of different units.
  1. 2. 6.022 x 10^23.
  2. 3. in scientific term refers as the force that gravity exerts on an object.
  3. 5. is the term used to refer the zero point on Kelvin Scale.
  4. 6. SI base units of temprature
  5. 7. SI base units of amount of substance
  6. 9. is a quantity used to measure how far an object is from thereference point.
  7. 10. 10^-1
  8. 12. is a measure of the quantity on how long an object is from one end to another.
  9. 14. is the atomic mass of an element or sum of the atomic masses of all element present in compound that is expressed in unit grams.
  10. 18. 10^18
  11. 19. known as a measure of the quantity of matter in an object.