Chemistry Puzzle

  1. 2. a term for liquids that dissolve others
  2. 5. The Scientist who created the unit "mole"
  3. 6. this is the term used to describe the amount of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom
  4. 8. A group on the periodic table that is not as reactive, malleable or ductile
  5. 9. An Atom or molecule that carries a charge
  6. 12. A group in the 7th row of the periodic table that contains highly reactive elements
  7. 15. A term used to describe a bond in which Electrons are not shared
  8. 18. any variable added to a reaction to speed it up
  9. 19. Has a negative charge
  10. 20. a substance that takes part in and undergoes change during a reaction
  11. 21. A group on the periodic table that is highly conductive, Malleable, and ductile
  1. 1. A group of metals in-between the halogens and the metals that look like metal but show properties exhibited by gases (The zigzag on the periodic table)
  2. 3. A group of gasses located in row 8 of the periodic table, they are not very reactive because they have 8 valance electrons
  3. 4. the name of the structure formed when ions are created
  4. 7. Has no charge
  5. 10. the branch of science that deals with the Identification of the substances of which matter is composed
  6. 11. A bond in which electrons are being shared
  7. 13. a term for elements that can be dissolved
  8. 14. A groups of earth metals that are located in the second row on the periodic table
  9. 16. Has a Positive charge
  10. 17. A large group of metals on the periodic table that are malleable, ductile, and conducts electricity