Chemistry Review

  1. 6. a horizontal row on The Periodic Table of the Elements
  2. 9. metals are considered this if they can be made into sheets.
  3. 10. electron’s in the outer most shell.
  4. 11. organic compound consisting entirely of hydrogen and carbon.
  5. 14. a vertical column on The Periodic Table of the Elements
  6. 15. atom with same number of protons and electrons but different numbers of neutrons
  7. 17. # 6 on The Periodic Table of the Elements
  8. 19. # 16 on The Periodic Table of the Elements
  9. 23. metals are considered this if they can be made into wire.
  10. 25. this is the smallest part of an element which can take part in a chemical reaction.
  11. 26. atom with same number of protons, but a different number of electrons
  12. 27. type of bonding where atoms share many free electrons
  13. 28. this scientist created the atomic theory
  14. 29. these types of metals are found in the middle of the Periodic Table.
  1. 1. arranged elements on the periodic table by mass.
  2. 2. these are brittle, poor conductors, have no luster, and can be a (s) (l) (g).
  3. 3. the positively charged dense center of an atom.
  4. 4. # 6 on The Periodic Table of the Elements
  5. 5. the subatomic part of an atom found in the electron cloud
  6. 7. this particle has a no charge and is composed of two down quarks, and one up quark.
  7. 8. # 92 on The Periodic Table of the Elements
  8. 12. type of bonding where an atom gains or loses electrons (+/-)
  9. 13. type of bonding where atoms share electrons
  10. 16. this is a positively charged particle composed of two up quarks, one down
  11. 18. used a gold foil experiment to help understand the structure of the atom.
  12. 20. arranged elements on the periodic table by atomic number.
  13. 21. these have properties of both metals and nonmetals.
  14. 22. these are good conductors of heat and electricity. They also have luster and a high density
  15. 24. metals are considered this if they are shiny.
  16. 26. the process of removing electrons from an atom to form ions