Chemistry Saftey

  1. 2. What must you do at the end of an experiment
  2. 4. Do not touch, taste or smell any _______________
  3. 5. Always be ___________
  4. 8. Don't use mercury ___________
  5. 9. Always check the ____________ on chemical containers
  6. 10. Immediately flush these if chemicals touch them
  1. 1. Experiments must be ___________
  2. 2. Never look directly into a ______________ that is being heated
  3. 3. Don't touch your eyes, mouth, face or body with your ___________ while using chemicals
  4. 6. Never do this in the lab
  5. 7. You must always wear __________ in the lab
  6. 8. Report all accidents or injuries to the _____________ immediately