Chemistry Thermodynamics

  1. 5. greek letter signifying "change in"
  2. 8. the amount of heat required to produce a mole of molecules from isolated elements
  3. 9. "entropy of formation"
  4. 10. the study of the movement of energy through a system
  5. 11. capacity of a system to do work
  1. 1. calculated using mole ratios and heats of formation
  2. 2. used to measure temperature
  3. 3. energy of movement
  4. 4. a form of energy
  5. 6. a fancy name for heat, = total heat content of the system from different kinds of contributions
  6. 7. a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules, "concentration" of heat
  7. 12. randomness or disorder, related to the availability of a system's heat to do useful work