Chemistry - vin

  1. 2. A term used to describe oxidised organic meterial
  2. 3. A chemical reaction in which a substance reacts with oxygen-the reaction is exothermic
  3. 5. A liquid subtance
  4. 6. a number given to show whether an element has been oxidation reduce
  5. 8. a reaction involving both reductions and oxidation
  6. 10. A element symbol of natrium
  7. 11. air substance
  1. 1. the name given to the process that take place when metal and alloys are chemically attacked by oxygen
  2. 4. A subtance that reduce anither subtance redox reaction and it self oxidised during the reaction
  3. 5. A element with 1 atomic number
  4. 7. the chemical reaction by biology cell release the energy stored in glucose
  5. 9. A element symbol of chlorine