Chemistry Vocab

  1. 1. Rows on the periodic table.
  2. 7. A table in which organizes all of the known elements.
  3. 9. Has properties of both nonmetals and metals.
  4. 10. An object in motion, stays in motion unless acted upon by another force.
  5. 12. Speed or direction change.
  6. 14. A push or pull measured by Newtons.
  7. 17. One of the 5 key evidences in which includes bubbles, steam, smell, and smoke.
  8. 18. A change that doesn't alter the chemical composition.
  9. 20. A law in which states that matter cannot be created nor destroyed.
  1. 2. Can be pulled into a wire.
  2. 3. Distance an object travels divided by time.
  3. 4. Takes up most of the periodic table.
  4. 5. The amount of key evidences that a chemical reaction has happened.
  5. 6. Columns on the periodic table.
  6. 8. How reactive something is.
  7. 11. Speed and a direction.
  8. 13. Brittle, insulator, dull, and is found on the right side of the periodic table.
  9. 15. Can bend.
  10. 16. The more of this, the more stable an element is.
  11. 19. A change that permanently alters the chemical composition.