Chemistry Vocab

  1. 3. Scale a measure of how acidic or basic a chemical substance is
  2. 6. A liquid mixture in which the solute is evenly dissolved throughout the solvent (solutions stay mixed) -also known as a homogeneous mixture
  3. 10. Mixture a substance in which components are mixed but don’t blend together
  4. 11. a chemical compound which is soluble in water, tastes sour and turns blue litmus paper pink
  5. 12. of Matter can be gas, liquid or solid and can change from one to another
  1. 1. the smallest part of a compound that can exist
  2. 2. Change a change where there is no new substance made and no chemical reaction like a change of state
  3. 4. Mixture a substance in which two or more components are evenly mixed but not bonded together
  4. 5. the substance that is dissolved in a solution
  5. 7. to separate the solid from a liquid by pouring it through a filter (such as paper or a sieve)
  6. 8. Change a change in substances that have had a chemical reaction. The original substance is changed to a new substance and cannot easily be changed back
  7. 9. a pure substance containing 2 or more elements connected together