Chemistry Vocabulary

  1. 3. substance made by mixing other substances together.
  2. 5. the electrons in the outermost shell, or energy level, of an atom.
  3. 7. a mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout the mixture.
  4. 8. the basic building block of chemistry.
  5. 9. the action or process of filtering something.
  6. 10. done, made, or acting suddenly or without careful consideration.
  7. 12. a characteristic of a particular substance that can be observed in a chemical reaction.
  1. 1. The alkaline earth metals are six chemical elements in group 2 of the periodic table.
  2. 2. any of a group of rare gases that include helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon.
  3. 4. a gaseous, liquid or solid mixture that has the same proportions of its components throughout a given sample.
  4. 6. substances that are made up of only one kind of particle and have a fixed or constant structure.
  5. 11. a measure of a material's ability to conduct an electric current.