Chemistry vocabulary

  1. 3. the region in an atom where the electrons are found is called the electron ________________
  2. 5. row of the periodic table
  3. 7. inert element in group 18
  4. 8. created by two or more atoms attached with chemical bonds
  5. 11. column in the periodic table
  6. 12. prefix that means 4 when used in naming covalent compounds
  7. 13. electron on the outside of an atom
  8. 16. atoms that lose electrons will have a ______________ charge
  9. 18. element with 54 protons
  10. 19. element found on the right side of the jagged line on the periodic table
  11. 21. charge of a neutron
  12. 24. element in group 17
  13. 25. atom with a charge
  14. 26. scientist who created the first periodic table
  15. 27. not reactive
  1. 1. positive subatomic particle in an atom
  2. 2. small number in a chemical formula
  3. 4. substance created in a reaction
  4. 6. substance at the start of a reaction
  5. 9. elements in group 1 are called _______________metals
  6. 10. subatomic particle involved in bonding
  7. 14. type of bond where atoms share electrons
  8. 15. charge of an ion
  9. 17. atoms want to have 8 valence electrons
  10. 20. atoms with 5, 6, or 7 electrons will _________ electrons to fulfill the octet rule
  11. 22. type of bond where atoms transfer electrons
  12. 23. element found touching the jagged line on the period table
  13. 26. element found on the left side of the jagged line on the periodic table