
  1. 4. that has definite shape and volume
  2. 6. Reaction/a process in which one or more substance are changed into others
  3. 7. of State/physical process where matter moves from one state to another
  4. 9. study of composition, structure and properties of matter and the changes matter undergoes
  5. 11. substance that has definite composition or is used or produced in a chemical process
  6. 12. on the periodic table
  7. 14. on the periodic table
  8. 15. property/ a property that does not change when you take away some of the sample
  9. 16. of elements with similar characteristics
  10. 17. Change/changes affecting the form of a chemical substance but not its chemical composition
  11. 19. that has mass and takes up space
  12. 21. change during a reaction
  13. 23. basic unit of a chemical element
  1. 1. measure of how much matter is in an object
  2. 2. substance compositing of atoms which all have the same number of protons
  3. 3. that has neither definite shape or definite volume (free electrical charges causes this to be electrically conductive)
  4. 5. that has definite volume but takes the shape of its container
  5. 8. are intermediate of nonmetal and metal
  6. 10. Property/a property that changes when the size of the sample changes
  7. 13. conductors of heat and electricity (malleable, ductile and shiny)
  8. 18. substance formed when two or more chemical elements are chemically bonded together
  9. 20. that has neither definite shape or definite volume
  10. 22. metal/poor conductors of heat and electricity (not malleable or ductile)