
  1. 3. even smaller than a molecule
  2. 5. the shells of an atom
  3. 9. a group of atoms
  4. 12. two elements mixed together to create a new substance
  5. 14. creator of the periodic table
  6. 15. the center of all molecules
  7. 19. the start of a chemical reaction, what creates a product
  8. 20. a cold reaction
  9. 21. share properties of metals and nonmetals
  10. 22. conductors of heat and electricity, malleable, ductile
  11. 23. the letters that represent the element name
  12. 25. a full outer shell, far right side of periodic table
  1. 1. carries a positive charge
  2. 2. number of electrons in outer shell
  3. 4. number of protons and electrons
  4. 6. all elements that go into reactions come out of the reaction with the same number
  5. 7. a hot or heated reaction
  6. 8. metal, nonmetal, and metalloid _____
  7. 10. carries negative charge
  8. 11. row(s) of periodic table
  9. 13. not conductive, malleable, or ductile
  10. 16. the outcome of a chemical reaction
  11. 17. located below the symbol on the periodic table, add up protons and electrons
  12. 18. negative charge and found in all atoms
  13. 24. pure substance on the periodic table