
  1. 3. bonding Bond between a metal and a non-metal
  2. 7. Metals have.... ions
  3. 9. Metals conduct
  4. 10. Liquid element at room temperature
  5. 11. Graphite can be used as a
  6. 14. Name of group 8
  7. 16. Regular arrangement of particles
  8. 17. of electron shells Periods in the periodic table tell us
  9. 19. Fl
  10. 20. bonding Bond between two non-metals
  11. 22. Everything is made up of millions of
  12. 23. chloride Sodium + chlorine
  1. 1. Name of group 7
  2. 2. Ionic bonds conduct electricity if they are
  3. 4. Ionic solids conduct electricity if
  4. 5. Example of a giant covalent structure
  5. 6. electrons In metallic bonding, there is a sea of
  6. 7. Particle with positive charge
  7. 8. Particle with negative charge
  8. 12. Different number of neutrons but same number of electrons
  9. 13. Particle with no charge
  10. 15. Covalent bonds share
  11. 16. Lithium
  12. 17. Non-metals have.... ions
  13. 18. Protons and neutrons are located in the
  14. 21. earth metals Name of group 2 metals