
  1. 4. chemical formulas that show the arrangements of atoms in molecules
  2. 11. definite shape, definite volume
  3. 12. principle that states electron enter orbitals of the lowest energy level first
  4. 14. negatively charged atom
  5. 15. starting substance in a chemical reaction is called
  6. 17. used to write chemical formulas shorthanded
  7. 19. the lowest energy level
  8. 21. substance in the gaseous state, liquid or solid at room temperature
  9. 22. compound of sodium and chlorine
  10. 23. Atoms will lose, gain or share electrons to achieve the electron configuration of the nearest noble gas
  11. 25. matter that has a uniform and definite composition
  12. 26. deoxyribose nucleic acid
  13. 27. consist of DNA
  14. 29. the distance between the crests
  1. 1. attraction between atoms that allows the formation of chemical substances that contain two or more atoms
  2. 2. amount of matter the object contains
  3. 3. electrons in the highest occupied energy level
  4. 5. reaction where one or more substance change into new substance
  5. 6. anything that has mass or takes up shape
  6. 7. the substance formed in a chemical reation is called
  7. 8. indefinite shape, definite volume
  8. 9. charged atoms
  9. 10. the "electron shells" of an atom
  10. 13. light quanta
  11. 16. the number of wave cycles to pass a given point per unit of time
  12. 18. the wave's height from the origin to the crest
  13. 20. group 8 has 8 valence electron
  14. 24. positively charged atom
  15. 28. energy needed to move an electron from 1 energy level to a higher energy level
  16. 30. indefinite shape, indefinite volume