  1. 3. elements that are excellent conductors of electricity
  2. 5. matter that does not react
  3. 6. the number of protons and neutrons in an atom's nucleus
  4. 11. what visual evidence proves that gas is created when mixing vinegar and baking soda
  5. 12. what an atom must lose or gain to become charged
  6. 14. a substances ability to bend or reshape
  7. 16. a state of matter where atoms atoms are far apart and move fast
  8. 17. the process where vapor becomes liquid
  9. 19. the number of protons in an atom's nucleus
  10. 22. matter that responds when in contact with other matter
  11. 24. a process that causes molecules to pack together
  12. 25. an electrically charged atom
  13. 26. a mixture that is difficult to separate
  14. 28. an example of a metallic chemical reaction
  1. 1. where protons and neutrons are located
  2. 2. a state of matter where atoms are charged, far apart, and moving rapidly
  3. 4. gold
  4. 7. an atom that has gained or lost neutrons
  5. 8. the process where a solid becomes a vapor
  6. 9. a state of matter in which the molecules are packed tightly together
  7. 10. a chart of elements
  8. 13. the process where liquids become vapor
  9. 15. a state of matter in which molecules are close but slide by each other
  10. 18. the smallest known whole particle
  11. 20. a physical property of when matter starts to change
  12. 21. a process that causes molecules to move away from each other
  13. 23. a measurement of how slippery matter is
  14. 27. the chemical formula for salt