
  1. 2. when they have metallic and non-metallic properties
  2. 4. slow chemical change
  3. 7. new materials produced by the reaction
  4. 8. characteristics that can be used to describe a substance
  5. 10. when two non-metals combine
  6. 16. when no additional materials can enter or leave
  7. 19. absorbs heat
  8. 20. the ability of a substance to conduct electricity or heat
  9. 21. chemical reactions that occur when oxygen reacts with a substance to form a new substance
  10. 22. Group 17 elements are called
  11. 23. when two or more elements combine
  12. 24. when a metal and non-metal form an aqueous solution of
  1. 1. shiny, malleable, and ductile
  2. 3. when a non-metal and metal combine
  3. 5. solid or gas
  4. 6. when the product of the reaction can escape
  5. 9. when ions can form when certain atoms of elements combine
  6. 11. compound have a chemical name and a
  7. 12. materials at the start of a reaction are called
  8. 13. horizontal rows in the periodic table of elements
  9. 14. has the same mass as a proton
  10. 15. releases heat
  11. 17. vertical columns on the periodic table
  12. 18. when gas turns into a solid
  13. 19. catalyst involved in chemical reactions in living things