
  1. 2. A substance consisting of atoms
  2. 3. The number of protons in the element
  3. 5. Vertical column in the periodic table
  4. 7. Composed of two or more separate elements
  5. 8. The positively charged centre of the atom containing protons and neutrons
  6. 12. The electrons on the atom's outermost electron shell
  7. 14. A chemical link between two atoms caused by the electrostatic force between oppositely-charged ions in an ionic compound.
  8. 16. Elements 90 to 103
  9. 17. A positively charged atom
  10. 18. Any of the fifteen metallic elements from lanthanum to lutetium on the periodic table.
  11. 20. Group 17 of the periodic table. Reactive non-metallic elements
  12. 24. The smallest component of an element. Makes up all matter
  13. 25. An abbreviation of a chemical element
  14. 27. Elements that have the properties of both metals and non-metals
  15. 29. Determines the negativity of an element
  16. 30. Any of the gases in group 18 of the periodic table
  1. 1. state When the atom has an electron in a higher than normal level than its ground state
  2. 2. the distribution of electrons in the electron shells
  3. 3. An atom that is negatively charged
  4. 4. The state of electrons in the atom
  5. 6. The number protons and neutrons together
  6. 9. The elements in the centre of the periodic table between groups 2 and 3
  7. 10. Horizontal rows of the periodic table
  8. 11. The outermost electron shell
  9. 13. Any of the elements found in group 1 of the periodic table. Very reactive elements that readily lose their one valence electron in ionic bonding
  10. 15. A particle of light
  11. 19. An atom that has gained or lost electrons
  12. 21. state The lowest energy state of an atom or other particle
  13. 22. shell Grouping of electrons orbiting the nucleus
  14. 23. An atom that has gained or lost neutrons
  15. 26. Atomic structure that consists of a small, positively charged nucleus orbited by negatively charged electrons
  16. 28. A subatomic particle with the same mass as a proton but without an electric charge. Holds the nucleus together